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He was only dedicated to the ones who make the law, but they burned with too much fire and his heart was made of straw.

{Before I start this one, I just wanted to jump in for a moment and say something. I know I gave a general warning about reading these entries too early and ruining revelations from later in the story, but it’s really a problem with this one in particular. So, if you’re okay knowing what’s coming, read on. If not, you’ll just have to wait until we get there. Thanks, and sorry for the interruption. -Sam}

Thom Rainier
Not Blackwall
Not Even a Warden
Whiskers McLiarFace
Still a Friend, Though
Hero (Varric nickname)

Honestly, I’m a little unsure of how to even proceed with this one, considering how things turned out. I guess starting at the beginning makes as much sense as it usually does. Blackwall was a respected Grey Warden, recipient of the prestigious Silverite Wings of Valor for rescuing several of his fellows in the Deep Roads, a noble defender of the downtrodden and all-around exemplar of what the order should stand for. Thom Rainier was a Free Marcher from Markham who won their Grand Tourney, wasted the opportunities that victory granted him, became a mercenary and then an Orlesian soldier. While in the army, he commanded a mission that cost the lives of an innocent Orlesian noble and his entire family, an outcome he could have prevented, and fled in the aftermath, leaving his men to take the fall. Returning to the mercenary life, Rainier defended a barmaid from some rowdy patrons, which caught the eye of Warden Blackwall, who recruited Rainier. Before the Joining could be performed, however, the two were ambushed by darkspawn, and Blackwall died taking a blow meant for Rainier. And then, years later, I met a man who called himself Blackwall recruiting for the Wardens in the Hinterlands of Ferelden. In the early days of the Inquisition, all of the Grey Wardens in the south of Thedas disappeared, and we wanted to know why. Leliana’s scouts were able to locate one of their order who was still in the area, so we tracked him down. He introduced himself as Blackwall, and had no idea where his fellow Wardens had gone. As a recruiter, he spent most of his time alone, wandering Thedas in search of worthy and willing warriors to enlist for the Wardens. We recruited the recruiter to the Inquisition, where he acted as one of my companions. Later on, Blackwall disappeared from Skyhold, and we tracked him down once again, this time to an execution in Val Royeaux. One of Thom Rainier’s former soldiers was set to be hanged, and our Blackwall had gone to confess his true identity in an effort to spare the man’s life. After Blackwall had died protecting Thom Rainier, Rainier had taken on his name and identity to try and do some good with the life that the Warden had sacrificed his own for. The Inquisition took custody of Rainier, I pardoned him, and he immediately asked to rejoin the Inquisition, an offer I accepted. And we agreed to keep calling him Blackwall, out of respect for the original and to avoid general confusion.

So, Blackwall wasn’t Blackwall but he was Blackwall then he stopped being Blackwall until he became Blackwall again. Perfectly clear. Whatever he was called, the man I knew was a staunch ally and friend. A relatively taciturn and grim person, Blackwall neither wasted nor minced words. Originally I attributed these traits to his being a Grey Warden, but it turned out to be due to his own haunted past. It’s a bit oxymoronic to claim that a man who was lying about his identity was always forthright, but that was my experience with him. He did have a bitingly fun side to him, as well, getting along famously with troublemakers like Sera and, well, me. He always strove to defend the weak from the powerful, whether that meant fighting demons or dangerously conceited nobles. Even after his secret was discovered, he didn’t change his behavior, and I mean that as a positive thing. His name and identity may have been a lie, but Blackwall was as true a man as I met as Inquisitor.


If you're looking at tomorrow to forget about today, then the past will be your future and it's there you'll always stay.

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