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Bianca (Dwarf)


Hurt and pain, still not enough to let go. I believe you even when I know it's a lie, love's so blind.

Not a Crossbow
Is There Hair in There?

Not to be confused with Varric’s crossbow of the same (first) name, Bianca Davri is a dwarven smith and inventor that inadvertently entangled herself in the conflict between the Inquisition and Corypheus. A surface dwarf, she is a phenomenal designer and has built some of the most advanced machines, mostly focused on farming and spinning, of our Age. She is the only surface dwarf ever nominated for Paragon status in Orzammar, which should give you an idea of just how talented she really is. She is also an old contact, friend, and lover of Varric, which is how I met her. She showed up at Skyhold one day with news for my hirsute friend about Corypheus’ red lyrium supply. Since the location of the ancient thaig where Varric and Hawke had discovered red lyrium was a tightly guarded secret, the Inquisition had been trying to figure out how Cory had found it. Bianca had the answer, and it was that same ancient thaig, by way of Valammar in the Hinterlands. When Bianca was able to bypass a door because she had the key, Varric and I realized that she had been the one to reveal the thaig’s location to Corypheus. After Varric had confided the location to her, she had pressed on with her research into the warped mineral, discovering that it was actually infected with the darkspawn taint, and therefore alive, somehow. Seeking an expert on the taint, she found a Grey Warden mage named Larius, who definitely wasn’t a mage when Varric initially encountered him, when the dwarf and Hawke killed Corypheus the first time. Larius, who probably was Cory, given what we now know about his ability to take over blighted bodies, took the information and began the process of turning the substance into a weapon. So, Bianca had contacted the Inquisition to get us to clean up her mess, which we would have been happy to do without the deception. In the end, she helped us cut off that supply, and despite her mistake, is still in good graces with the Inquisition, as far as I’m concerned. As for Varric, you’ll have to ask him.

{No comment. -Varric}


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